

Whether you have a significant other or not...

we think everyone has the right to celebrate Valentine's Day! 

Especially after a year like 2020, we could all use a little love. Whether it be for a friend, a significant other, a family member or yourself, now is your chance to celebrate the important people in your life. And according to us, nothing says “I love you” better than the gift of health!  Keep reading for our gift recommendations! 


Chocolates and flowers; year after year it’s the same old song and dance. If you ask us, they might be a nice gesture, but they’re overplayed. We’re not saying that you have to plan some elaborate grand gesture to prove your love for someone, but we’re challenging you to put a little deeper thought into your gifts this year. Ask yourself, “what does this gift really represent??” Sure, flowers are beautiful, but love is about more than beauty; chocolates are sweet, but not always diet friendly. Instead we recommend giving your S.O. the gift of fresh juices and smoothies by sending an e-gift card through the Beyond Juicery + Eatery app! (This is an especially great option if you find yourself without a gift last minute… hint hint, wink wink…) What’s a more meaningful way to say “I love you” than “here is a gift card for fresh food to help us achieve our health goals together”?! 



Saturday, February 13th is technically Galentine’s Day! Never heard of it? It’s exactly what it sounds like, a day for celebrating your gals! (Thanks to Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation for literally creating a new holiday). This holiday is for all the ladies out there! In our opinion, the perfect day with your gals includes a mani-pedi and a delicious Acai Smoothie Bowl with your favorite toppings from Beyond Juicery + Eatery! (Don’t forget a fresh, made-to-order “Create Your Own Juice” with all of your favorite ingredients to get those micronutrients in, too!) Nothing says, “I love you, BFF!” quite like some quality time and some quality food!



Whether you have a significant other/Galentine or not, it is ALWAYS valid to show yourself some self-love. Self-love comes in many forms – maybe it’s a yoga or fitness class, or maybe it’s simply cleaning up your diet! The best way to say “I love you, body!” is by fueling it with high quality, fresh, tasty ingredients all available at Beyond Juicery + Eatery! Our ideal Valentine’s themed self-care menu would include a delicious Total Energy Plus Smoothie (our classic strawberry banana smoothie with spinach and kale added) with Vanilla Whey for breakfast, a Turkey Avocado Wrap for lunch and some Homemade “Date Bites” for a sweet little treat in the afternoon. Or maybe you’re looking to really “treat yo self”, in which case we recommend a Beyond Juicery + Eatery Cleanse! With 1, 2 or 3 day options, our cleanses help your body detox toxins and are the ultimate way to say “I love and care about myself!”


So remember, even if you find yourself single this year, the gift of health is the perfect way to practice gratitude and show love to the important people in your life, including yourself! We wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day and we hope you choose to make it fresh and healthy with Beyond Juicery + Eatery!